We won't just take the oldest path available. While we're prudent in our approach, we will research new techniques and find an approach based on best practices developed from a cross-functional view of our business and an understanding of your technology and the intent of the regulations
We work constantly to identify and evaluate new technologies in business, analytics and processes to educate ourselves and benefit our clients. Among the tools we use are decision analysis, process modeling and statistics software, subscriptions to leading edge business journals and on-line access to thousands of technical and business resources, and web enabled tools for intra-team communication, such as AdobeConnect, Nortel conference line and centralized websites with FTP capabilities, so that we can apply all of our skills to a client's problem quickly from around the globe.
We bring a systems approach to Quality, viewing it as a technical program, rather than a reactive policing program in place to detect wrong-doing. Our quality systems are designed to be self- checking and to place responsibility and capability with the executor of a given task to perform it with high skill and reproducibility.
We bring a quality approach to technology, applying statistics to the design of the experiment, and to the analysis of the results. We look for gaps and apply quantitative sensitivity analysis to estimate if the gap has a physical chance to affect the experimental outcome. We design early development work so the quality is built in, so the client can leverage it for product registration, rather than repeating the work at a later date under more quality controls, and we do it without adding onerous requirements to the scientist's work.
We hope this brief introduction gives you some insight into how we conduct our business, and what makes our team a great resource for your team. We are truly Responsive, Measured and Creative!